Tuesday 21 August 12:30 pm Outside Dan O’Connell Hotel Carlton
RPPG joined with Protectors of Public Landands Victoria Inc. and Carlton Residents’ Association at theirsnap protest – Say No to East West Link Yes To Doncaster Rail Link next week.
This was the notice:
“As you would know Stage One of construction of the East West Link has commenced with “geological investigation” (ie drilling for soil and rock samples and testing for underground water) along the proposed alignment of the above/under/on ground road way. Note from comments made by the State Government that the tollway/freeway it is highly likely to be an above ground “aerial roadway” akin to CitiLink along Princes Street and through the inner suburbs with compulsory acquisition of property along the route. It is likely to be open cut through Royal Park.
Please support us at this crucial stage of our campaign. The drilling rig will be installed on the reserve outside the Dan O’Connell Hotel Carlton, north east of the Canning St/Neill St intersection,Carlton. The reserve is right on Princes Street behind the wall. (The reference for this drilling site is EWL-B12-007 on the map from Linking Melbourne Authority. Please advse if you could like a copy of the map sent on email)
Time: 12:15 pm for 12: 30 pm start
Date: Tuesday 21 August 2012
Reason: Continue protest over East West Link and demand the Doncaster Rail Link.
Speakers: Councillors and community representatives
Bring: Green triangles with No Tunnel message or Trains not Tunnel placards or Public Transport Not Road Tunnels placards/banners.”