General Members Meeting 19/3/22

Dear all,


Royal Park Protection Group is holding a GENERAL MEETING with a most interesting speaker and you are invited.

When: SATURDAY March 19th 2022

Time: 1.45pm for 2pm start

Location: Walmsley House  161 Gatehouse Street Parkville

RSVP: please let us know if you can come by 12 March

Come and learn about Microbats

This meeting was initially planned for 2020 but Covid intervened

Our Guest Speaker is Dr Lindy Lumsden  

Principal Research Scientist, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 

Her Topic: Microbats

Bats play an important role in controlling insect numbers, including a range of pest species, by eating up to half their body weight in insects in a night.  However, due to their small size, nocturnal behaviour and cryptic roosting habits, these valuable native mammals are rarely seen and are often portrayed negatively in the media. 

Lindy is passionate about trying to reverse these negative perceptions and conducts a wide range of extension activities to educate and enthuse people about the bats.  In her talks she describes fascinating and little known aspects of the natural history of these nocturnal creatures. As most people do not have the opportunity to see bats close up, she brings along a live bat to show at the end of her talk. 

Lindy is based at the Arthur Rylah Institute, the wildlife research institute of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, where she has been conducting ecological research on bats for over 35 years.  Although based in Victoria, her research has also taken her to remote areas of Australia, and to many countries overseas.  

RPPG Working Bee 18 Sept 10am

The next working bee will be at the Brens Remnant Native Vegetation site.

When: Wednesday 18 September

Time: 10am-12noon

Where: Meet at park end of St Georges Grove, Parkville West

Contact for more information:

Chris 0437 925 553 (SERCO)

Kaye (FoRP)

Anne 0412 279 156 (RPPG)

Working Bee – Remnant Site

The next working bee will be at the Manningham Remnant Site.

Parking will be available at the Ross Straw carpark or the Trin Warren Tam-boore carpark.

When: Wednesday April 17th

Time: 10am to noon

Meeting point: SW gate entrance.

Bring: You will need long pants, closed shoes and gloves.

Billabong Renewal Opening

The renewal works on the Billabong on Flemington Rd are now complete.

To mark the occasion there will be an informal gathering with afternoon tea.

We will join with Council Officers from Urban Sustainability, Councillors, Serco Royal Park team and Friends of Royal Park.

Do join us if you can. It really looks lovely.

Date: Wednesday 12th December

Time: 3pm

Location: Billabong Flemington Rd next to North Park Tennis Club


Melbourne Waterbug Blitz

The Dragonfly Festival event was held on Saturday October 20th.

Unfortunately heavy rain meant only 4 of us were in the Australian Native Garden.

However we were joined by a family of wood ducks. Seven day old ducklings seen here sheltering under mum.

Other venues had more attendees and we met up at the SNHC in the afternoon to find out what we had captured in our samples. This study will give an insight into water quality.

When reviewing one sample we were treated to the final transformation of a midge.

The video link :


FoRP Bird Survey

The next Friends of Royal Park Bird Survey is coming up!

When:  Sunday 16th September at 9am

Where: Meet at the Wetlands carpark

Annual Trinity Planting

The Annual Trinity Planting is on again!

When: Saturday 1st September 10.30am

Where: Near the Burke and Wills monument.

If you would like to volunteer to supervise students please let Anne know on tel 0412 279 156.

Working Bee – Remnant Site

The next Working Bee will be at the Remnant Site

When: Wednesday 15th August 10am -12noon

Where: Meet at the Southern Entrance

Bring: Please bring your own gloves


Working Bee – Remnant Area 16 May

The plan for the next working bee with Serco, Royal Park Protection Group  and Friends of Royal Park is to do some weeding work/ Cassinia removal in the Bren’s Drive Remnant.

Where : Bren’s Drive Remnant Area

Meet at: Southern side of Urban Camp. (that way the SNHC carpark can be used).

When : 16 May 2018 at 10am

BYO Gardening gloves

Working Bee – Remnant Area

The next working session will be at the remnant vegetation area completing tasks from last month.

Date: Wednesday April 18th

Time: 10am-12noon

Location: Meet at Ross Straw Pavilion, access from Manningham St, Parkville West.

BYO gardening gloves