Dear Members and Friends,
The service for Julianne was well attended by some 150+ people and was a fitting tribute to this great lady. A selection of notices and tributes from friends and family and a special tribute from Bob Brown are attached here and here.
In the last few weeks we prepared a commemorative thankyou for Julianne and also a “draft role description” (see below) for her replacement – Julianne got a good chuckle out of these!!
Draft Role Description for Replacement People’s Warrior…..
- Must be indefatigable, tenacious and never accept a no for an answer
- Must have extensive contact list within the Public Service, Government (all levels), major Public Corporations and Newspaper and Radio outlets
- Must read all newspapers, Government (state and local) announcements to ensure you know what is happening….everywhere
- Prepare narratives and links to all important matters and report on those already in the news
- Attend Council Meetings to present case for protection of our assets
- Arrange meetings with “stakeholders” to ensure a) they know we are watching and care, and b) to note errors or improvements to such proposals that may be in the offing
- Consult with legal representatives when required to obtain advice
- Keep the press informed and be able to provide information, appear on radio, write to local and major newspapers on matters of the day
- Hassle other members of Community Groups into taking action
- Attend meetings of said Community Groups
- Be a resource on all known history of said Community Groups and matters that have been tackled
- ……more to be added…..
If you think this role is you then please contact us immediately!!!