The renewal of the RCH was a missed opportunity to return parkland by relocating the hospital to new ground at Docklands, an opportunity missed because the land was sold to commercial interests rather than put to public use. The 4.1 Ha site was in the end moved west towards the tram line. Whilst the original 4.1Ha site had the building mainly set back from the boundaries the new structures are right on the boundary of the site and hence effectively reduce the amenity of the park beyond the physical 4.1Ha site size.
The chosen proposal was – Proposed Site Plan.pdf
A slight error on the part of the specifiers meant they missed a stair access required! – 20090323 RCH The Age.pdf
Further to the above because the project was built under a PPP their was an agreement that a 4 star public use hotel allowed on the site (now adjacent to the Children’s Playground). A sad tale……!
Part of the “deal” for the new RCH was to remove all other infrastructure from the Park. However, the helipad at ground level remains! RPPG sent a letter to CoM to put on record that this “oversight” is noted and that it is unfortunate that promises made are not kept!